The starting point for the future of carbon recycling.
Development of Carbon Recycling Technologies at the R&D and Demonstration Base in Osaki Kamijima | about


Development of Carbon Recycling Technologies
at the R&D and Demonstration Base
in Osaki Kamijima

At Osaki-Kamijima Island, Hiroshima, located in the middle of the scenic Seto Inland Sea, a center of activity was established based on “Carbon Recycling 3C Initiative” announced by METI in 2019. This center offers companies and universities, aiming to realize a carbon-neutral and decarbonized society, hub of activity to promote their R&D activities. Our aim is to accelerate innovation and practical application of Carbon Recycling by conducting underlying technology development and demonstration in a concentrated and extensive manner.
Furthermore, through showcasing the details and results of their activities we will share Japan’s cutting-edge technologies to the world.


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At the Osaki Power Station (operated by Osaki CoolGen), where demonstration tests of coal-fired thermal power generation combined with integrated gasification fuel cell (IGFC) cycle and CO₂ separation and capture technologies are being conducted, an environment will be created to enable centralized research and development of technologies that are world-leading and expected to be soon commercialized.



Researchers in algae biotechnology, catalysts, carbon dioxide chloride, etc. will be brought together to conduct underlying technology development and demonstration research in a concentrated and extensive manner.

Development of Carbon Recycling Technologies at the R&D and Demonstration Base in Osaki Kamijima

Source: Prepared by NEDO based on “Progressive Environmental Innovation Strategy” (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)


About the Facilities

The center consists of three areas: the Demonstration Research Area, Algae Research Area, and the Basic Research Area. The CO₂ separated and collected at Osaki CoolGen is transported by pipeline, with the underlying technology development and demonstration research on carbon recycling using said CO₂ conducted at each facility.

Demonstration Research Area

  • Theme 1

    Carbon recycling technology demonstration and R&D with co-production of multiple valuable commodities by using seawater(Fiscal year 2023~)

    Demonstrate CO2 fixation technology to Magnesium Carbonate by using 20 ton/day seawater.

  • Theme 2

    Research of Selective Synthesis Technology of Chemical Products for Carbon Recycling

    Develop catalysts and processes for efficient production of paraxylene, a raw material for PET bottles, etc. from CO₂.

  • Theme 3

    Development of Gas-to-Lipids Bioprocess

    Develop biorefinery technology using a two-step fermentation process to produce acetic acid from CO₂ and synthesize high-value-added lipids and chemical raw materials.

Algae Research Area

  • Algae Research Area

    Establishing a Research Base and Developing Technologies that Lead to Increased CO₂ Utilization Rate for the Production of Microalgae-Derived SAF

    Establish a base where technology verification can be conducted to improve basic technology for microalgae, leading to the industrialization of microalgae-derived SAF production.

Basic Research Area

  • Basic Research Area

    Research Building

    Consists of 6 laboratories that are convenient for multiple companies and universities to conduct basic and advanced research efficiently and safely.

  • Common Use Building

    Common Use Building

    Conference rooms, analysis rooms, and other facilities are available. Also we display information of the Facilities for visitors.

